La FFMC est membre fondateur de la FEM (Federation of European Motorcyclists), devenue FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations).

Cette fédération d’associations des différents pays européens intervient auprès des instances européennes sur toutes les directives qui touchent à la moto et à sa pratique.

408 articles

  • La FEMA recrute !

    La FEMA

    La FEMA (Federation of European Motorcylists Associations) recrute son responsable des relations politiques.
  • Third Driving Licence Directive, a second reading in name only ?

    La FEMA

    On Tuesday October 10 th , the draft directive on European driving licences began a second reading by the European Parliament. Following the compromise of the Member States at the Council meeting (...)
  • Road infrastructure for ALL road users at last !

    La FEMA

    Last week the European Commission published two new proposals aimed at improving road safety in order to reach the 2010 target of halving the number of fatalities on European roads. The first (...)
  • Changement à la tête de la FEMA

    La FEMA

    Aline Delhaye, nouvelle secrétaire générale de la FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations), remplace à ce poste Antonio Perlot

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